International Cheetah Day!

Happy International Cheetah Day! As you may remember from my last post, you can do a lot to support cheetahs today. Why not donate to a charity, such as The Cheetah Conservation Fund or World Wildlife Fund? You can spread the *old* news about cheetahs being endangered or just show your love for them by... Continue Reading →

Beloved Cincinnati cheetah died

Beloved cheetah Redd, of the Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio, USA, just died. Born prematurely, Redd had a "rocky start" and underwent hip surgery that left him with a funny walk, according to the post by The article goes on to say that children connected with Redd the most and was "a symbol for overcoming... Continue Reading →

First cheetahs born in India!

Following the twelve cheetahs released into India, two of them (named Siyaya and Freddie) had four cubs! Those four cubs are the first in over 70 years to be born in India. These cubs will be the start of a new history for cheetahs! CNN and BBC did a story on it, as well as... Continue Reading →

Cheetah Relocation

Hip-hip, hooray! Twelve cheetahs cheetahs were just relocated to India. Indian cheetahs have been extinct since 1958 due to hunting so this is a chance to start populating India with cheetahs again. Don't worry, they all know how to deal with predators. The picture below is of CNN's coverage. Sadly, WordPress doesn't let me post... Continue Reading →

Visit to Columbus Zoo

A little while ago, we went to the Colubus Zoo in Ohio, USA. We were expecting to see a cheetah, but instead we saw FOUR CHEETAHS! Two of them were in their enclosure (I'll tell you more about that below) but we also saw a cheetah run where they had a dog toy zoom across... Continue Reading →

Happy International Cheetah Day!

You might not believe it, but today, December 4th, is International Cheetah Day! Time to celebrate! You should do things that help cheetahs on this spectacular day, such as donating to a cheetah fund like the Cheetah Conservation Fund, or making a simple picture of a cheetah. CCF also has an International Cheetah Day post... Continue Reading →

Visit to the National Zoo

My first time! Two staff talked to me about cheetah facts. The National Zoo We visited the National Zoo, in Washington, D.C., in August, for me to see a cheetah for the first time! If you look at the first picture, you will see me pointing to the cheetah. It's kind of hard to see,... Continue Reading →

Seven types

Did you know that there are not one, not two, but SEVEN TYPES of cheetahs?! The Tanzanian cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus raineyi)The Sudan cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus soemmeringii)The South African cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus jubatus)The Northwest cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus hecki)The Asiatic cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus)The King cheetah, which is extinct in the wild (Acinonyx jubatus)And the Tiger cheetah, which I don't... Continue Reading →

Baby cheetah at Cincinnati Zoo!

Rozi (pronounced Rosie) is a great, or I should say purr-fect, new cheetah at the Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio, USA. This cub is no more than 1 MONTH OLD! She was a only child to a cheetah in an Oregon zoo, and so her mom couldn't produce enough milk for her. There is an association... Continue Reading →

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